Monday, September 26, 2011

BP reneges on settlement deal with Gulf Coast Cities and then says Sue us..see if we care!

BP -Poster Child for why caps on punitive damages are a bad idea

These guys not only have no shame, no honor, no ethics, but they are stupid  too. Many times I am ask about punitive damages and why caps on damages are a bad idea. Well after hurricane Katrina and Snakefarm and Allsnake's conduct, a few people got it. After the Barons of Wall street destroyed the economy, put millions out of job, and basically guaranteed that our children will have a lower standard of living than we have, and still made billions, and do today...a few more got it. If these bastards don't make you mad and want to hit them with a trillion dollar verdict, you deserve all the bad things that await you. (Bad Karma dude.)

 This is as raw a case for punitive damages you will ever see. They are clearly using their economic power to toy with and screw smaller American cities. Does this remind you Tea Party people of anything...maybe?  Hint: it happen in the 1770's.  

They obviously  don't think they will be punished so they are acting like the 800 lb gorilla they are. And these guys get billions in US government contracts? We are basically using our tax dollars to get some foreign jackass to screw with us. What a county! Even the Russians threw these idiots out! With the caps on damages now the most they could be forced to pay is less than 25 million. That is 5 cents to you and me. Think about it, what if the max speeding ticket was 5 dollars and they were not allowed to report it to your insurance company. Would you drive faster? What if you were not allowed to discipline your kids at all other than maybe a two minute time out? What would they act like? Little angels still? They are acting like this because they can, it is that simple.  

These boys need a spanking, a really big one. Only way to spank a big multinational corporation is big punitive damages.

Jackson County cities say BP reneging on agreement to pay for water-related projects

Robert Wilkinson, of Dogan & Wilkinson,
PLLC, discusses the lawsuits against BP
during a meeting at City Hall in Ocean Springs,
MS, on Thursday.  (Joshua Dahl, Correspondent)
OCEAN SPRINGS, Mississippi -- The four Jackson County cities are threatening to sue BP for what they say is the company's reneging on a settlement deal.
Representatives from Gautier, Moss Point, Pascagoula, and Ocean Springs were at a news conference Thursday morning at the Ocean Springs City Hall where the failed agreement was discussed.
Robert Wilkinson, an attorney representing the cities in the settlement, said BP agreed in April to the cities moving forward with developing water-related projects instead of cash payments.
In response to the threat of the lawsuit, Ray Melick, a BP spokesman in Mississippi, said, "BP does not comment on pending litigation."
The settlement proposal between the cities and BP was in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that started on April 20, 2010, with an explosion and fire on an oil rig.  The incident killed 11 workers, and the federal government has estimated about 4.9 million barrels of oil gushed into the Gulf until July 15 when the wellhead was capped.
"We are here today to express our outrage that BP has slammed the door in our face after well over a year of negotiations in good faith in order to settle claims from these cities," said Ocean Springs Mayor Connie Moran.
"These claims would be projects to bring water-related access to the public to restore confidence.  Here is the opportunity to make it right."
Wilkinson said the cities had assembled about $50 million in projects.  The suggestion about projects arose in a July 2010 meeting with BP attorneys over damages from the oil spill.
"At that first meeting back in July of 2010, attorneys from BP suggested instead of talking about settlements with case, a settlement may be along the lines of projects," Wilkinson said.
The cities received approval for the project deal from state Attorney General Jim Hood and Trudy Fisher, Natural Resources Damage Assessment trustee, he [Wilkinson] said.

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